Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Rove Off

Karl Rove is off the hook. Prosecutor Pat Fitzgerals decided not to prosecute him for his involvement with the Plame-Wilson affair. So Scooter Libby will seemingly be the only one indicted for his lies in this mess.

And they've timed Scooter's trial perfectly. He'll go into the dock early next year. That means that it will be after the 2006 mid-terms, but leaving enough time for him to be convicted and then pardoned by Georgie.

But the matter is much larger than the lies told to prosecutors or the 'outing' of a key CIA operative working on WMD.

This case is about the revenge-seeking of the Cheney Junta against a truth-teller. When Joe Wilson returned from Niger with the truth that there was no Iraqi effort to buy uranium in that country, and then went public when the Junta tried to bury the results, he was a marked man. And no CIA operatives cover was cause to shy away from the effort to bury him.

The key is the lie. They wanted to tell the lie about Niger. They cooked up forged papers to support it - which have never been investigated.

But what do you call lies that lead the nation to an unjust and unnecessary war?


That is what this is about. The Junta committed high treason in their run-up to their Iraq invasion. But there's no Americans left to call it what it is. Just a few voices in the 'blogsphere' who are called 'cranks' and 'nuts' and worse by a bought-and-paid-for media.

Welcome to what America now is in the 21st century.


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