Friday, June 09, 2006

DeLay For Sale

The thoroughly corrupt and reprehensible proto-sub-human who served as Majority Leader of the worst government in American history gave his farewell speech yesterday. It was, predictably, full of self-aggrandizement and justification for the ruin that his leadership has brought to a once-mighty nation.

DeLay brought two major initiatives to the detriment of all Americans. I say 'all' because even the stinking war profiteers and delusional social conservatives who he served were hurt by the destruction he caused. Whether they like it or not, the good that was defeated by DeLay was a good for all - even those who opposed it - and so they're losers, too.

When the budget is destroyed and social programs are eliminated and the environment is stripped and burned and soiled - we all suffer. I've often wondered about the polluter class- don't you think your kids and grandkids will want to have a clean planet?

But I digress. The first thing DeLay brought was a "For Sale" sign. I mention that first because it trumped all the other considerations he might have had, like any purported religious beliefs. Everything in Washington had a price sticker, and Tom was the cashier.

He made lobbying into a huge growth profession, because if you chose the Republican lobbyist that he demanded, you would be able to buy any legislation you wanted. And, of course, those are still the rules. Don't think that any of that has stopped just because DeLay crony Abramoff is going to the pokey.

While making Washington into a cash-and-carry capitol, he also brought a religious fervor to politics. This did two things. First, it elevated the most narrow-minded and least informed segment of the American population to a position of leadership and prominence. The "Mayberry Machiavelli's" made a virtue out of stupidity and helped the educationally-challenged feel better about not knowing anything.

Never understood science? Neither did we, so now the government will stop using science and rely on common sense and biblical wisdom. Who's the first witch to burn?

The other issue with this is that politics become faith, so positions on issues are no longer debatable. Instead of a democratic give-and-take, we now have a fascistic 'take whatever you can' government. When passing a bill becomes a tenet of your religion, you MUST PASS THE BILL.

So we see the ugly spectre of late-night votes and outright bribery to get horrible bills passed. Anything goes for the religious zealot.

Politics in a democracy is a debate. There never was a debate with DeLay - just tow the line and hide the cash in your mattress.

The nice thing to consider about these self-professed fundamentalists is that by their own standards (Christianity in any form) they are unrepentant sinners who will go to Hell. DeLay abused the poor and stole money. Even without a criminal conviction, he was a force behind the impoverishment of needy families, while helping nobody but the rich - and himself.

I don't believe in Hell, so I don't think he's actually going there. But if he's right, he burns.

See you in Hell, Bug Man.


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