Friday, March 31, 2006

No Levees

You knew it, right? You knew when Georgie noticed the devastation of the Gulf Coast and watched as there was a political mess attached to the human tragedy and then acted, you knew it was all for the cameras, right? After all, if he'd cared an actual non-political whit for the Americans suffering in New Orleans, he never would have let it all fall to pieces in the first place. He might even have asked a single question during his video-conference briefing.

But the reconstruction of the city of New Orleans was a purely political project, as are all ventures for the unitary executive. Really, since his deepest commitment to humans is in their torture and illegal confinement, the suffering in the Big Easy is just more of the same. Whether it's foreigners or terrorists or anybody, if they're not scions of wealth or hereditary corporate nobility, they're just policy fodder.


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