Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I saw a red wing blackbird this morning, the first time this year. I wonder about that name - how many names are so literal? Okay, 'woodpecker,' it pecks wood, but what does it look like? No such mystery with the red wing blackbird. You'd think it would have evoked a more poetic response from Audubon (or whoever named it). The red is a startling, cardinal-like colour, and the black is a deep jet black, not a dingy black like a crow.

As I watched the bird fly, I thought: "should I make this bird my chief of staff? It's close to me. I know its name and I know what it looks like. It won't have any new ideas or any disloyal inkling that everything I've done is wrong."

Okay, I didn't think that. I thought: "nice bird."

I hadn't yet seen the news that Andy Card finally resigned. Andy Card, Chief of Staff for the whole Junta disaster. Andy Card, the first guy on Brownie's speed dial when the levees broke. Apparently he didn't take the event any more seriously than his boss, and went off to pluck a guitar or humiliate naked prisoners somewhere - anywhere.
Take any of the disasters of the Junta, and there's an Andy Card appearance. He's been a good soldier for Georgie, making sure to never make a correct decision and never correct a bad decision. Of course, we'll get the whole story when the Democratic Congress convicts him of Treason.

But who will replace him? Some top government management professional, a tough inside/outside operator who can see Georgie through the troubled days of 33% approval ratings? You got somebody like that within pissing distance of the Oval Office?

Clearly not. So the new Chief of Staff will be Josh Bolten, head of the Office of Management and Budget. Bolten's got two things going for him, big time. First - the same last name (and darned near the same first name) as national disgrace/UN Ambassador John Bolten.

Second, Georgie already knows him, so he won't have to meet anyone new or hear a new idea, ever! Look at it this way: if people outside the White House were all that hot, they'd be in the White House already. White House staff are like a feeder system for White House staff. The second charges are laid or a person resigns in disgrace and deep shame - bang! The next guy from the next door down is there to take his place.

Why do you think they hired so many empty-headed ideologues in the first place? Right - you can never have enough.


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