Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Don't miss this: in the ongoing bungle of a death penalty trial for the insanely bloodthirsty Zacarias Moussaoui - who is not a mass murderer only because of his colossal incompetence and through no lack of inhuman murderous intent - FBI Agent Harry Samit has testified that he did, in fact, try to warn his superiors about Moussaoui's intent. More than 70 times. He raised the alarm about hijackings by al Qaeda terrorists before 9-11 to anyone in the Justice Department who would listen. None of them did.

This is not, as it seems to be playing out, a story of FBI stonewalling. There was a very good reason why nobody listened: the Junta. When they stole the 2000 election, they were determined to reverse the course of the country. All the security and prosperity of the Clinton years was to be smashed and used as landfill. Anything that Clinton considered important was to be downgraded to 'immediately ignore' status. And more than that - it was made clear that careers could be ruined by the pursuit of reality-based topics not on the neocon agenda.

So Dick Cheney formed an anti-terror committee that never met. And the administration's national security focus was moved from 'get bin Laden' to 'anti-missile defense.' Condo Rice was to give a speech on the morning of 9-11. The topic: a new anti-missile shield. Of course, that technology still doesn't work despite the $10 billion spent, and it won't work after the rest of the scheduled $100 billion is spent. And we still have no enemies who possess ballistic missiles.

So when Harry Samit attempted to raise the alarm about a terrorist attack, it was so yesterday. I mean, Clinton and Gore were totally hands-on with the terror threat - actually stopping the al Qaeda Millennium Bomber - so the new broom wanted none of it. Richard Clarke has described it in detail - the new Junta didn't just ignore terror threats, they actively dismissed them.

Oh, they've tried to blame the CIA and the FBI for missing all the signs, but it always comes back to them. They decided that terrorism wouldn't be seen or heard. Their version of reality was - and remains - based on Cold War style threats. Even their new anti-terror activities are based on old logic: go after terror countries of convenience. And more pragmatically, use terror as an excuse to pull off an Iraqi invasion and quash civil liberties at home.

The Samit testimony is another nail in the coffin they've built for the American Dream. And in a democracy, it alone would be enoug to launch Congressional investigations into the pre-9-11 anti-terror bungling.

But the 9-11 Commission has spoken. Mistakes were made, and that's it.

Is there no one to charge criminal negligence?


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