Friday, March 17, 2006


"Hill Rebellion was Long Brewing." What? There's been a rebellion on the Hill? Was it that Skywalker kid? Because I knew he was trouble. Really, what "rebellion" are they talking about?

Sure, there was the Dubai ports thing, but that was just self-preservation. If the Republicans in Congress had allowed that deal to go through, they'd have been strung up and horse-whipped by their redneck constituents. And lets face it - the Junta would never have permitted the deal to go forward if they'd ever heard if it. Since their raison d'etre is wild incompetence and laziness, of course the deal was approved and never examined.

But that's not the point. The point is that any talk of a 'Congressional revolt' against their Master in the White House is pure bunk. Isn't that a resolution to legalize the warrantless NSA wiretaps? That's just mommy-ing. Like when your kids spills his milk and mommy comes and cleans it up and hands back the bottle. "Don't break the law now, Little Georgie! You already did? Okay, I'll make it all legal again."

A "Rebellion?" At this point, I'd settle for a polite note of refusal. I mean, before you get to rebelling, surely you must once act against the party in authority.

Georgie continues to get his way on everything. If Congress is polishing few apples, they are certainly not slowing down the Junta machine. His tax cuts continue to impoverish the impoverished. His military adventure continues to take lives - and to be paid for outside the budget, so he can lie about both. What is it, exactly, that they want to do but can't?

The answer, of course, is "nothing." The Washington Post is once again the propaganda arm of the Junta. Their message is clear: give Congress some wiggle room around Georgie's rock-bottom approval ratings. Allow them to seem like they're resisting, when in fact they're just as limp and useless as they were in 2001.

Even the ports 'revolt.' It would not surprise me in the least if Darth Rove had come up with that one himself to give his Congress an example to use in their re-election campaign. It's a wonderful straw man to make the Congress look good, but allow Georgie to play the 'we don't hate Arabs just because we kill them by the truckload every day' argument.


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