Monday, March 27, 2006


It's Monday, so let's have a fresh crack at the Junta, shall we? For today, we can skip the current bad acts and have a look at the new bad acts that are surfacing. It's going to be interesting for the next few years, to see what sort of decomposing fecal matter we can reveal as we turn over the rocks. Today, it's back to the Iraq war lies.

The New York Times is reporting a new memo from Britain. Apparently, Georgie and Condo had a meeting with Brit PM Tony Blair and his people early in 2003, explaining

The only real solution is an outbreak of Americanism by Americans. Only when voters take this stuff seriously will Congress be forced to act. But when will that happen? Can that happen at all?
Because one of the founding principles of neo-Juntaism is disinformation. And they're very very good at it. They have been able to spin and lie their way around impeachable offenses for five years now.
People can't make informed decisions because they're being lied to all the time. The media - as we all know - has been willing enrolees in the system. Even Democrats in Congress - led by 'Dem in name only' Lieberman - have allowed the worst parts of the Junta policy to slide.
There are no 'red states' and 'blue states.' There are only 'believers' and 'non-believers.'

I've got to go back to writing about sports.


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