Thursday, February 09, 2006


As the fires burn throughout the Arab world, and the sermons ring out from Imams in the Muslim world and throughout the West, we must stop and ask ourselves the question most on our minds right now: "what the fuck?"

Back in September, some Danish rag published a bunch of lame cartoons featuring the likeness of Mohammed - seemingly on a dare. That was four months ago. Now, Muslims are using their single power of expression (violence) to express their single emotion (outrage). Weren't we supposed to reach out to them or something?

Really, when you think about it, the Arab world is a lot like Cartman in South Park. Shifting from smug superiority to outrage in the blink of an eye, Cartman wants nothing more or less than what he wants right now. And if he doesn't get it - look out.

Actually, that does a grave disservice to Cartman. At least he goes on adventures with his friends, and rarely murders innocents over perceived slights.

The central problem with the Arab world is the one the Junta is least able to deal with - that is, the entrenched power of oil money that dominates politically. It's the oil money that fuels the over-reliance on religion. Without a vast army of unquestioning religious zombies, the oil money might end up getting parceled out to more than about three people in each country.

These people are raised on nothing but religion. 80% of all PhD.'s given out in the Arab world are in Muslim theology. That's bad. The religious repression ties in with political repression and a closed society.

There is literally nothing rebellious youth can do. There is no music or dance or art of any kind permitted. You can't take a drink, for crying out loud! There's no political discourse, there's no debate on anything. Try to buck the system and the religious police will come and arrest you.

So when Saudi decided to whip up the masses over something, even something as patently stupid as the cartoon stuff, it works. People are desperate to be able to talk. They can't write protest songs. They can't normally march or do anything.

So the official leash comes off, and suddenly there are no limits. Kill the Danes! I mean, nobody's given the first shit about the Danes since they stopped raping and looting along the coast of Europe about 1000 years ago.

These Arab oil-and-religion dictatorships are frightened of the one thing that will break their power: a revolution. And by playing ball with them for the 60 years they've existed on the planet, we've made sure that when a revolution comes, it's going to be Islamic and they're going to hate us worse than ever.

But look on the bright side: they won't be commies!


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