Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Please file this under: "why should we care?" The NYT ran this story today: Evangelical Leaders Join Global Warming Initiative. And?

Okay, so the reality is that these people pull things in Washington. Reptiles like James Dobson are running the mammals, and we better just lump it. But why do I have to read about a bunch of fundamentalist Protestants who woke up one morning and smelled the science?

There are two reasons why most of these megachurch people have been denying Global Warming. First, because their monied interests are with the Junta, and without the cash you can take the "mega" out of "megachurch."

And, by the way, the New York Times writes "megachurch" and not "mega-church" as I'd prefer. Still, we must follow the Gray Lady in style if not in content.

So the money is saying: "keep emitting the greenhouse gases to pile up the green piles of cash in the house." The Times (and I'm really picking on them today) calls them "business friendly" which has come to mean "deadly arch-enemy of the environment." Little George understands that, at 60, he doesn't give a flying fuck what sort of bankrupt cesspool his grandkids will grow up in. And neither does Dobson.

The other factor is homunculus Jeeboo himself. Megachurch attendees are told that this pseudo-deity will come back to earth, judge everybody, and lift off with his favorites (as per the megabest-selling "Left Behind" books). Apparently, his favorites do not include anyone who cottons to science or cares about animals or conservation or has ever had their own opinion on anything.

When that day comes, apparently, there should be no more trees or animals left. Global Warming is, in their thinking, a way to be closer to their deity by accelerating his return. Yes, pollution and despoilment is their theology.

Surprising it is then that there are now megachurch people who are not so convinced that the Rapture is upon us that they are willing to ruin absolutely everything on the planet. 86 of them signed a statement saying that Global Warming is real and something should be done about it.

And their belated return to reality is big news to us. No indication of what orthodox Jewish Rabbis say about it. Not a peep from the Imams (other than a lot of screaming about cartoons).

Let's face facts: our country has become close enough to a Protestant fundamentalist theocracy that this sort of garbage is news.

How sad is that?


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