Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Remember September?

With the recent unprecedented spate of officials and media darlings waking up to the malevolence and corruption of the Junta, there has been little news of the less sexy aspects of federal responsibility. Disaster reconstruction has shown the Junta to be - as usual - all talk.

Where once Dear Leader's popularity plummeted along with the barometric reading and presidential visits to the devastated Gulf Coast became as numerous as the dollars pocketed by carpetbagger corporations in Iraq, other things have taken the spotlight from that disaster. And, of course, without a spotlight there is no political pressure, and therefore no action from the Junta.

For all the billions promised, results are scant. Less than two months after the worst natural disaster in the nation's history, Georgie's forgotten all about it.

The primary reason for this is that it's a project that's both expensive and no fun. It calls for an army of not only construction professionals but help for people as well. Businesses need loans and relief. People need housing and jobs. To get these things in place, there needs to be solid levees and healthy wetlands restored, so that insurers and capital markets can trust that their investments are safe from storm and flood.

But the Junta doesn't do people and wetlands. The Junta's good for whistling in the dark, and for talking tough and invading the weak and pleasuring the rich and for impoverishing the poor. Taking on a complex project and seeing it through - that's for grown-ups.

So promised money is stuck in Congress. Georgie is off doing G-d knows what in Asia. The topic has turned from lies and mismanagement in the Gulf to lies and mismanagement in Iraq. That's more fun, because the Junta gets to call names and throw dirt, instead of sit on dull appropriations committees talking about boring old reconstruction all day. Yay!

Just look and Vice Angry Toddler Cheney. He says that politicians who say Americans were sent into battle based on a lie are engaging in "revisionism of the most corrupt and shameless variety." Shameless? Sure, we expect that from the lizard-brained Vice Toddler. But "corrupt?"

I won't be the first to point out that most of his attacks against Iraq War critics are reflections of his own guilty psyche. What's new is the charge of 'corruption.' Normally, when you make that charge, there is something criminal involved, some money changing hands.

Oxford on-line defines 'corrupt' as:

"willing to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain."

Certainly the Junta money machine is no stranger to the collection of money for personal gain. It's practically their motto. GOP fixer Michael Scanlon pleaded guilty, and he's only the first domino to fall in the growing Abrahamoff scandal. He was ordered to repay $19.6 million to the First Nations clients he bilked.

The first Americans into Iraq were Cheney's old employer, Halliburton. Their no-bid contracts are the stuff of legend.

But what personal gain could war critics be looking for? How was Rep. Murtha looking for personal gain in his painful and heartfelt call for a withdrawal from Iraq?

Reptiles like Cheney see their own motivations in the actions of others. Since taking a moral stand and telling the truth are concepts that don't exist in Dick's being, he has to fill ion with the things that motivate him.

Cowardice. Shamelessness. Revisionism. Corruption.


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