Thursday, November 17, 2005


As they've been doing for a number of years now, Knight-Ridder continues to be the voice of truth barely heard above a din of lies. They break down the Junta's efforts to cover their tracks over the lies they told to bring us to war with Iraq. And they're willing to call a lie a lie.

Dick Cheney continues to disgrace himself (as if the stain could get any darker) by saying Iraq War opponents lack backbone. Backbone! To Cheney, bravery is the willingness to believe enough lies to get our soldiers killed. It's the willingness to follow Dear Leader unquestioningly to ruin.

Deep shame on him, and on this Junta. The lie machine has been turned up to "11" in the face of crumbling support and serious indictments.

What frightens me is what the Junta will surely do next. Their MO has been to lie and tarnish their accusers, and then add compounding error on top of existing errors. So, to silence critics of one mess (tax breaks for example), they passed their giveaway to Big Pharma in the drug 'benefit.' To cover their failure to protect America from al-Qaida, they lied about Iraq.

And when the bill came due the first time, the SWIFT Boated and changed the topic to Kerry's medals.

What will they do now that their backs are against the wall? What will be the next crisis? Georgie's in Asia - who will he pick a fight with? Surely not China - neocons are nothing if not cowardly. And North Korea has nukes. Also, the whole of the US military is being wasted in Iraq.

Georgie's tried to scare us with Avian Flu, but that won't really scare anyone until we can see some piles decomposing bodies somewhere. You know, like the ones they have in Iraq.

Hold on to something - it gets bumpy from here. The Junta didn't mind sacrificing your future and the honor of an honorable nation to attain power. Who knows what lengths they'll go to to keep it.


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