Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Pseudo-Blogging

It is Friday again, thankfully. As we all know, Friday is the gateway to Monday, so you can forget all that happy weekend crap. No, it's off to the Salt Mines for me this weekend, which is my only respite from the infinitely worse Mines of Sharp Glass Chards and Socky Feet that I spend my not-weekend days in.

This weekend, I'm going to do start the class presentation that I was supposed to deliver last Wednesday night. See, where I go to school (and somebody stumbling on this page out of nowhere may suspect that I'm a full 30 years younger than I actually am at this point - feel free) they're on what's called a "strike." The striking workers are all graduate assistants of one ilk or another.

They want more money, but not just al little more money. They pretty much want it all - a 41% increase I'm told. If you think that's not a bit high, compare with working people at most job who get increases of between 3% and Go Fuck Yourself (I've received the latter and it's done nothing for my overall buying power in the marketplace).

Which is all fine by me. I'm having a relatively dreadful time outside of class at the moment, and not having to to all those dreadful assignments and the stacks of reading is just fine with me. Except that there are actual sane people who are member of the striking union, so I can't count on them acting like toddlers awake fare too long after they've become tired - not forever.
So I really need to get this presentation done. And here's where you can help: I need links. I need links to any material I can find on Hurricane Wilma. That's it. News stories, video footage - anything.

I figure that either the strike will end, in which case I need to have my presentation ready, pronto, or else it won't end, in which case I may have the opportunity to submit it to the prof for credit. Because I'm far more about the credit than the earning right now, sad to say. Just give me the degree, I'll pay you what I owe you, and we'll be quits.

So I need to become strike-proof. So I need to do a pretty slide show about old Wilma. Actually, it's not just Wilma. There's a wrinkle. Wanna hear what this exciting wrinkle entails?
Well, if you didn't, you can get off my blog. Right now! Go on! Shoo!

Alright, for the rest of us, here's the exciting angle. I'm going to do a BCP exercise using the Hurricane as the cause, the cassias busing as it were. I'm going to Google up a town in Florida that got hit and see if I can find a corporate office that got nailed. And then I'm going to build a BCP exercise around that business.

Mad genius! Yes, I know that I tear at the very fabric of reality with that one. What Daemonic presence could have put together such a fiendish etc etc. Well, that's it.

In other news, it's already -60 days into the prematurely failed presidency of That One. And we didn't even need Bill Ayres to sink the ship. Failed President-Elect B. Hussein O. has done it to himself. First, he chose a guy named "Rahm" to be his Chief of Staff. Please. That's like a made-up name, right? And this Rahm guy doesn't like to take orders from John McCain. Who does he think he is? And now there's talk that he may offer the Secretary of State job to HILLARY CLINTON!!!!! Wow. We all hate her and think she's a B-tch, so that's how she almost won the whole thing and remains a powerful Senator and all that.

So, in only -60 days, Hussain O. has created the financial crisis that he ran his election campaign on, and he is under the powerful spell of HRC. Is it time for a return of grown-ups? Can we get some Republicans back in charge?

Because at least with them, you can go to bed knowing that the wealthy will be well looked after. You won't lay awake tossing and turning thinking: "what if billions in tax breaks for the wealthy suddenly morph into billions in social programs? Socialism!!!!" We sure don't want any of that Socialism, boy. We need more of that rudderless ghost ship that is non-regulated capitalism. That's the stuff boy. It's like taking the filter off your cigarette. The pure stuff.

Okay, so it leads to the inevitable crash every time they take away the regulations, but who really loses? The well-connected 'haves' will continue to have whatever they need or want. Everybody else goes from being "horrible screwed over by the political right" to "massively blown away and non-recoverably food-processed by the political right."

That's an important distinction.


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