Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More Lies

Here's something I really don't understand and probably never will: Republicans. And I don't mean the general idea of selfishly wanting everything for yourself and believing that others should just starve and die if they make the grave mistake of being born into the wrong economic strata. Fine. Selfishness, I get.

But what I don't get is the lies. So you believe that gay people are - and should - go to hell. Why not just say so? If you think that the government should support church and deny science, why not live up to those beliefs, instead of lying about them all the time? If you think you can't get elected on your beliefs, well, isn't that the whole point? Do you want power under the force of a lie?

The Junta certainly does. Andreally, for them, this is a moot question. They don't have any core beliefs - only an enslaving lust for power. Conservatives are supposed to believe in small government, business fending for itself, and no foreign adventures - as prominant conservatives like Sen. Taft railed against fighting Nazi Germany.

Instead, we get big government, giveaways to business, and crazy unlimited war-fighting. And more lies.

Let's take the recent 9-11 thing on ABC. You've no doubt read how shameful a pack of rightist fiction it is. My question is: why?

I mean, okay, you hate Clinton and blame him for 9-11 (among other things). Fine. Then show us, in as partisan a way as you like, the basis for your ire. Where did the Clinton administration go wrong? What did they miss? What did they screw up?

Instead, the schlock film-makers made up a bunch of stuff (also known as 'lies'). Why? If they had a story to tell, they could have told it. But they didn't.

Wouldn't that cause you to questionyour whole worldview? I hate Bush and everyone in his administration, and his current apologists in the media. And for verifyiably good reasons. If I had to make stuff up - "I hate Bush because he punched my mother in the stomach in 1985" - it would certainly cause me to suspect that I needed to re-think things.

But not for the Junta. They exist on the power and money generated by the propaganda machine. Lies are rocket fuel for them.

And I suppose, to my own point, that if they know they're lying and making money that's at least understandable.

But why do Americans put up with it?


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