Friday, July 28, 2006


Okay, all you increasingly wobbly Israel supporters out there - get straight. This Lebanon incursion is not only supported by American psycho neocons, it's supported by over 90% of the Israeli public including all the major Doves.

You read that right. Go check out the article.

Here's the thing: if somebody was throwing rocks at your house from next door, you'd do something about it, wouldn't you? What if they were throwing at your kids in the yard. You'd call the cops. But every time the cops came around nothing happened. And it just went on and on.

There's no cops for Israel to call, and Hezbullah is not throwing rocks - they're firing rocket munitions filled with explosives and ball bearings that shoot out like bullets when they explode.

It's pretty clear that Israel is justified in having a response. A strong response with weapons and soldiers.

I covered this before, but when Hezbullah uses the locals as human shields while firing 1400+ missiles at Israel, what choice is there?

Once again, progressives have been trapped by George W. Opposing his evil and disastrous regime is job one. And if the Bush Junta is in favor of this, progressives must oppose it.

Which is a lot of crap. Bush is mis-managing this crisis terribly from the American side. That doesn't make Israel wrong. The Bush Junta has no foreign policy. It doesn't exist. They lurch from crisis to crisis and trust their extremist ideology to tell them what to do. That's not a policy.

And, as usual, criticism of Israel allows cover for anti-Semites to start marching. No, critics of Israel are not automatically anti-Semitic, but they are automatically in the company of anti-Semites.

So don't oppose Israel to oppose the Junta. It's needless. And don't go wobbly on Israel just because the European anti-Semitic left does.


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