Friday, June 02, 2006

Whither the Democrats?

There seems to be an overall increase in Democratic Party navel-gazing these days, possibly in anticipation of congressional gains in November which, if there is a G-d, will give part of the government back to the American People. Much of this navel-gazing consists of a stern rejoinder to stop navel-gazing.

Here's my take on it. The Democratic Party is desperately in need of leadership. The leader doesn't have to be a steely-eyed Patton or a dynamic Tony Robbins, but he or she must believe deeply on the core values of the progressive Movement (such as it it) and unashamedly espouse them. Don't worry about the polls, and don't wait for the Republicans to die on their own (even though their suicide is quite entertaining).

By combining fierce and well-deserved criticism of the worst government (legislative and executive) in American history with real progressive values, we can take the country back.

Let's look at a couple of examples. Progressives (and a majority of Americans) believe in some form of universal health care. The Democratic Party and its leadership need to get up on their hind legs and start pushing it. It's a great cause, and great arguement to be made. And they need it in the Ozarks and in Alabama and in Texas.

When the HMO's start firing Benjamins at conservative groups to oppose it, you call them out.

This is a lot like Republican tax cuts. Voters don't really give a hoot about the tax cuts, because everyone knows they're just for the rich (hey, thanks for that twenty bucks, Georgie!). The reactionaries say tax cuts are good for the economy, but who really knows. Certainly not the vastly under-informed conservatives.

But they really really believe in the tax cuts, and they're part of the conservative baggage you have to vote for when you are really frightened and want a war-monger in the White House to protect you. So great. Tax cuts. I'll take the kids to McDonalds. Whatever.

But Health Care can be more than a whatever issue. It just takes the guts to make the stand.

Democrats can't change the country by being Republican-Lite. They need to take issues and put them out there - and fight for them. I remember that sinking feeling in my gut when I heard Kerry say "I voted for the war before I voted against it." You can't ever waffle. You must always fight.

To oppose organized crime like the Republican Party, you have to be unified and organized. The cops don't go after Capone without guns and uniforms - and the law.

So, for domestic policy: progressive taxation and tax relief for the working class, real health care reform, environmental policy for people - not corporations. An energy policy for people - including high gas mileage standards for cars and push for energy conservation.

Run on that, and run on the toxic greed and lies of the current administration. Put the crooks in jail.

And don't let the media re-write your talking points. How did the reactionaries steal the entire media apparatus of the United States? By force. With money and brass. They created an atmosphere where their talking points would be broadcast VERBATIM - OR ELSE.

Democrats need to have a similar standard - shout at that bastard anchor or Faux News moron who purposefully screws up your position.

The Rightists grew a powerful force of anger over many years because their ideas were ignored by people with any functioning brain cells. Their anger and willingness to sell out to corporate interests have produced a politically powerful but otherwise wholly deficient movement.

I say use the fire they've stoked to burn them out of their nests and restore our precious American democracy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How nice to be able to catch up with you finally. I just responded to the next piece, which is sooo right on. This one about the Dems is absolutely right...where the ____ are they? No Hilary Clinton for me- maybe Al again, if he has found his voice finally?/ PLease mail me soon... I tried to send you a mess. so maybe it made it this time.

3:14 PM  

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