Wednesday, March 08, 2006


How do they do it? How do Junta Senators abdicate their responsibilities to America? I mean they do it every day. It's not that it's particularly surprising that they do it these days. But where did they get the idea that they were elected solely for the purpose of supporting their power cabal at all costs? I mean, don't they have, somewhere, a corner of their soul that belongs to America and not the party?

And I guess that's where the Cult of Personality around the Executive comes in to play. Rove has been able to convince them that it is in the personage of the executive that salvation lies. So it's not just the party, or the K-Street funded Junta itself that commands loyalty above and beyond the nation, but the personage of Imperial Georgie.

NSA warrantless spying is, clearly, illegal. Just as clearly, it falls under the purview of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Now, any American who understands at even a cursory level what their nation is all about would want the Senate to investigate - at the very least. The law has been broken by one of three branches of government. The branch with direct oversight of that branch should do something about it, right? Right?

Nope. Sen. Pat Roberts is just going to give the whole thing a pass. Nothing to see here, move on. Karl Rove has agreed to let a sub-committee review the program. Yay!

Once again we get the illusion of debate without any debate. Maine's "moderate" Republican Olympia Snowe and Chuck Hagel went along with the Roberts sell-out, so guess what? No investigation. No meaningful oversight. No restraint on executive power. You go ahead and break the law, we'll work overtime to find a way to make it legal.

How did it all get so badly broken in only a few short years?


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