Friday, March 10, 2006

Civil War

Remember the Iraqi Insurgency? The one that's been killing Americans for three years now and was presented as a total surprise to the long-warned White House? You know, like the New Orleans levees that "nobody anticipated" could fail, other than the officials screaming at Georgie "the levees are going to fail!" That insurgency. Well guess what? They are now the other problem in Iraq.

Suck on that, Abu Mussab al-Zarqawi!

According to Rummy and his "personal friend and general" John Abizaid, Iraq is headed for that civil war they said wouldn't happen, and that's now Job One. So al-Zarqawi can just get himself a cold one and put his feet up. He won't be needed again until the next act.

Yes, America in its all-too-finite wisdom, has put the least competent government in place that could possibly be charged with running things. Steve Martin would do a better job with Iraq, if only he could be stopped from re-making every movie made in the 1970's. James K. Polk, were he reincarnated today - but with no more technical or scientific knowledge than he had in the 19th century, would run rings around these guys.

Iraqis - and many others - must be wondering how the hell people this stupid could have amassed such power. And surely that's the Junta's most powerful pro-democracy argument: if we can manage it, anyone can. Of course, as we tumble down the slippery slope to fascism, that looks increasingly like what we can expect from any continually-botched 'nation-building' exercise we mount.

So yes, Rummy, there will be a civil war. Remember back when everyone who didn't have gum in their brain pan was telling you that if you cheaped out on Iraqi security you'd have a civil war? Guess what?

And your answer to the impending frenzy of internecine death and destruction? 'Oh, the Iraqi troops will take care of that.' Right.

"The plan is to prevent a civil war, and to the extent one were to occur, to have the . . . Iraqi security forces deal with it to the extent they're able to," Rumsfeld told the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Oh. Those same Iraqi forces who can't do a thing about the insurgency. The same troops that come from the groups that are about to start fighting in earnest. Those troops.

Rummy and the boys must be proud: they promised they'd make the Insurgency less of a problem, and they've succeeded. By making a bigger problem.

Memo to the rest of the world: we are not all this blind, bloody, and stupid. Only our leaders are.


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