Thursday, January 05, 2006

No, Jeb

No, you can't.  Sorry, Jeb, but that's not how America works.  The Florida Supreme Court rejected Gov Jeb Bush's program to allow vouchers for state money to go to private schools.  They said the program unconstitutionally diverts public money to private schools, and it violate  the separation of church and state.  The Florida law was the only state-wide voucher system in the country.
This is the sort of Junta-era stuff that should have been pounded flat before it ever became law.  See, in America see, the government isn't supposed to give money directly to churches.  That's what we call "wrong."  But, to pay religious nuts for their rabid votes on election day (yes, even they votes are rabid and must be handled with special gloves), Jeb let them have school vouchers to send their children to rabid nut schools where they wouldn't have to study hard topics like "science." 
Meanwhile, the government education money could be drained away from the public system.  As more and more little crusaders went to schools that didn't "cotton to" fancy book-learnin' there would be less and less money in the public system.  And since the whole voucher scheme was keyed on public schools failing some arbitrary Jeb-test (gum under the desks?  Fail!), you could be sure that the increasingly under-funded schools would keep failing and sending the little automatons to moron academy.
But alas, no.  Moron academy will still cost big bucks. 
Also, the schools that would fail would be in poor and middle-class areas.  Remember that the religious nut cases aren't in the Junta because they're rich.  The religious nut cases are in the Junta because they are psychotically obsessed with what other people do with their bodies (things like abortion and homosexuality).  Religious nuts are dumb and often dirt poor (draw your own conclusion there), so it would be their schools getting failed and not the rich Junta schools.  That's okay - rich people get their own massive dollar infusions from the Junta - they don't need vouchers.
Don't you wish someone would start challenging Jeb's idiot brother?  Don't we have a "congress" or something that's supposed to have oversight?  According to Georgie, not so much.  According to his statements on the NSA warrantless wiretaps, his job as Commander in Chief allows him to break any law at any time.  He's not a fascist dictator - he just plays one on TV!
At least there is one less crime a Bush is getting away with today. 


Blogger fiduciary said...

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2:51 PM  

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