America: Land of Bounded Rationality
Political theorists and economists think of people in group
chasing what they perceives benefiting them.
A politician promises things they want and they vote that way. Make things more or less expensive and people
will buy more or less – or none – of it.
Show certain values in an idea or a product that align with what you
think a targeted group wants and they will buy your product. Tell them you will enact laws and start
programs to make their lives better and they will vote for your candidate.
But that’s not really how it works.
Exhibit A is the support among poor country Whites for the
Washington efforts to ‘Repeal and Replace’ the Affordable Care Act (aka ACA or
Obamacare). The executive and
legislative branches of the American federal government are in a long slow
motion assault on the health care of 20 million or more Americans.
Man of those supporters would lose their own health care
under the plan. How is it possible for
people to vote away health care that they need?
Health care for their families and friends and neighbors? How can federal politicians think this is a
good idea when they will literally be killing their own voters?
It’s not just health care, either. There are many supports - from food aid to
tuition to not getting shafted by fraudulent for-profit colleges and
universities, the list goes on – that are really helpful to White low-education
voters who like to get yelled at in rallies.
They are all-in for this program.
You know, the one that will impoverish and kill them.
One reason is Bounded Rationality. I know – it’s hard to use the word “rationality”
about the MAGA crowd. But the bounded
sort fits. Bounded rationality means
that when people make decisions, they have limited information to do it
with. It also means that they have
cognitive limitations, and don’t take the time (if they have any) to consider
the issue. Denizens of flyover country
have all of these limitations on whatever rationality they can muster on a good
But what kind of boundedness can lead people to vote
directly against their own interests? That’s
not supposed to happen. When one
politician promises to improve their lot in life by measurable actions, why
would they vote against that and for the politician who promises to immiserate
and impoverish them? How does that make
any sense?
Anger and racism figure in, for sure. Far too many Americans will vote to gut a
social support system that helps people who are visible minorities. They’ll vote for politicians who will pull
services they perceive as over-used by Black and Hispanic people – even when it’s
their own group that the primary dependants.
Italian Marxist theoretician Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937)
showed that people will work against their own interests when they misapprehend
what their true interests are. Through a
bourgeois culture, the establishment keeps people in their assigned places in
society – “Cultural Hegemony” as he referred to it. This was an important distinction because,
prior to Gramsci, it was always thought to be the coercion of economics or even
violence that kept the downtrodden workers in line. Gramsci showed that the imposition of a
normalcy of oppression could make even the most exploitive situations seem,
somehow, okay.
We all live simultaneously in two realities which are often
polar opposites of one another. The
first is our lived experience. We know
the world through our families and close friends, our distant relations and
work associates. When the economy goes
to hell and the banks start unfairly foreclosing on people, the ripple effect
goes through the community. Everybody
knows. The victims are destitute and
humiliated. The many people in their
personal orbit are angry.
How many people were screwed out of their life savings by Joker-faced
greed beast Steve Mnuchin – whose OneWest bank paid millions in fines for thousands
illegal foreclosures? Through the
bank-run economic meltdown that started in 2008, millions of Americans were
either directly impacted or indirectly felt the bottom drop out of their lives
and the lives of those around them.
The comic book Joker never did as much damage to Gotham City
as Mnuchin and his bankster friends did to the ‘average Joe’ in America. And they’re still in charge of the economy –
literally. Mnuchin is Treasury Secretary. That’s like putting Jack the Ripper in charge
of the Emergency Room.
Which leads to the second reality: information.
Information is the stuff that people read and hear from far away. What happens in the State government? Except for a relative handful of people, only
the media and the politicians know what goes on or how it impacts different
groups. Citizens can’t have first-hand
knowledge of how representative government works – it’s too big and
complex. They rely on reporters to
explain – or at least tell. And then the
politicians spin their own stories. Who
do you believe?
Why are the Robinsons being kicked off their farm? Because of…
There was a day when journalists at least tried to be honest. The Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite
school saw it as their most fundamental duty:
tell the truth. Yes, there were
many problems of inherent bias toward race and class and other issues. But the mission was to clarify and inform.
That’s no longer true.
Right wing media lies nonstop.
And when they’ve been increasingly called on their lies, they turn the
accusation around on their accuser: “fake
news.” It’s so well understood that it
no longer required explanation. Rachel
Maddow is a progressive commentator.
Despite a clear ideological bias, when she speaks in terms of fact, she
actually uses fact. And so on for the
progressive voices in the media.
On the other side, right wing “journalists” – both in the
opinion section and the news section – make up their own stories out of whole
cloth. It’s just a well understood part
of the media landscape: they lie to
their viewers and readers about everything.
So the immediate reality for MAGA people is that they are
being epically screwed by powers that they cannot even name. And they are angry. They see people of color doing well and are more
angry because they think their own happiness has been taken away by lesser
Not having any first-hand knowledge of who is killing them,
they turn to politicians and the media for answers. What do they hear? Politicians promising prosperity if programs
for ‘those people’ are cut – never mind their own reliance on those
programs. Tax cuts for the rich are really
tax cuts for the lower middle class and working poor. There’s nobody – nobody they’ll believe – to call
out the lies.
The things in their lives they can see for themselves show a
constant misery. The death rate among
men in their 50’s in these states is skyrocketing due to lifestyle choices like
smoking and drinking – “deaths of despair.”
Where can they turn for help?
Their private media bubble stirs up their rage about women
and people of color. It gives them rage
politicians like the Orange Jell-O. They
are pointed in directions that only lead them to further despair because the
Republican Party cannot and will never make their lives better.
The more they win the more they lose.
They rabidly support politicians who are promising to take
away their health care. They are given
magic beans of tax cuts that have never grown a tree no matter where they’ve
been planted. They don’t know any better
and they never will, because their Culture forces them to refuse reality. Republicans threw away truth decades ago,
along with any sense of honor or decency that went with it.
The put the Orange Lie Machine in charge because it sounded
as mad as they were. And it made the
same noises as Fox and Drudge and Breitbart.
That’s all they know.
Sadly, that’s all they can know.
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