Wednesday, July 12, 2017


What is the definition of 'Integrity?'  Here's a couple from the internet:

"The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."

"Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility." 

You know where this is headed, right?  Has there ever been an American federal government with less of this stuff?  All three branches are run by majorities who have none of it. 

Honesty.  The entire Executive Branch lives in a world of fascist make-believe.  Congress operates on the notion that they can lie to the rubes all the time about everything because they've worked the system to a 97% reelection rate in the House.  What do they care what anybody thinks?  The Supreme Court has a Leader Follower majority because of a stolen seat.  President Obama's choice - Merrick Garland - should be the deciding vote on the court.  Nope. 

Supreme Court decisions should be considered stolen goods.

And "moral uprightness?"  Are you kidding?  The pack of them - the New Junta - are fighting among themselves to figure out the best way to transfer billions of dollars from people's health care to wealthy campaign donors.  How is that moral?  Leader is foul and narrow and stupid and malicious.  And those with Leader Oversight responsibilities in Congress won't say or do a thing because Leader will sign any reverse-Robin Hood crap they put in front of him.

Integrity.  Leader was sued multiple times in his (ongoing) business life.  He stiffed workers and cheated the suckers at his 'university.'  Everything he's done since losing the election and being granted the job anyway has betrayed his Leader Followers. 

American politicians have never been known to be angelic in their moral uprightness and honesty.  But I can't remember a time when the word Integrity was only a punch line.  Would the word ever even come up if it were not part of a dark joke? 

The entire government is pay-for-play now.  Putin played it just right.  US democracy has been revealed as having rotted out from the core.  He can now say confidently that American democracy is no more real that Russian or even Iranian democracy. 

Thanks to the Putin-Comey axis, the truth about American democracy is playing out real-time.


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