Wednesday, July 26, 2017

So Let Them

The efforts to kill the ACA in the US has been a slow motion airline disaster.  Every day has pushed and pulled the country inexorably toward the Far Right Party's undoing of quasi-universal kinda health care for millions.  They're going to succeed in this effective mass murder because there are no 'moderates' left in their Party.  Those are just extremists who don't cave to depravity until later.

And health care is not something you can just walk away from and say 'screw them' because the result will be the ruination of millions of lives.  People will live and die with untreated treatable illnesses.  They will be driven to poverty because unlike a car or a sofa, humans will pay every last penny (and then some) to get help for loved ones.  It's not now nor has every been a 'marketplace.' 

It's like expecting a junkie to negotiate with a pusher.  Can we bring these costs down?

But.  If they're going to do it - let them.  Here's why. 

First, they are cowards of the first order, meaning that their final bill will sunset the closure in the future.  The ACA will live on for a few years.  Their thinking is that this will protect them from an immediate backlash from humans.  Wrong. 

For the millions who depend on the ACA, it's death - even in the future - will be a wakeup.  Even some of the real zombies will realize that the care that's keeping Uncle Skeeter alive is going to disappear.  They finally have medical care and know what it's like to get fixed up and not lose the house doing it. 

So it could get reinstated before the sunset arrives.  But what if the Far Rightists have so disfigured democracy that this doesn't happen?

There are two types in the Far Right Party.  The first is the Monsters.  They love their Ayn Rand and want to take the social safety net out and burn it.  This is the Paul Ryan Wing.  They make up numbers out of the air to look like they've done the math, but it always adds up to tax cuts for the wealthy and deep cuts for everyone else.  They've been selling the death of ACA as a blessing of freedom, meaning the freedom to become poor, sick, and dead.

The lives of millions of Americans mean nothing to them.  They're in government for one thing:  their own interests.  And it serves them well to be insanely cruel toward the non-wealthy.  They make the middle class bear as much of the tax burden as they can get away with.  They pull as much away from the poor as they can.  Monsters. 

The other group is the Idiots.  Certainly the Leader of America is the head of the Idiot Wing.  The Idiots think that whatever pops into their heads is the right thing.  Leader goes around saying that the new health care will cost less and provide coverage for all.  And their Zombies believe them - because in the Zombiesphere, that's a cannon of truth.  Anything King Idiot says is truth.

These people believe in stuff like Creationism.  How can you show them facts that prove they're being sold out for a penny a pound when facts don't exist for them? 

But there is a chance the shock of an impending collapse to their newfound medical care will move them.

Both Far Right groups are owned, right down to Paul Ryan's running shoes, but the wealthy.  The American Rich seem to treat dollars like precious eggs.  They need to have them because they are valuable to just have - not even spend.  If you let poor people have a bunch of eggs, they might break them.  People with lots of eggs know how to protect them and not break them. 

So it's important to have all the eggs together in the safe hands of the wealthy.  Government shouldn't take eggs away and give them to the poor, even in the form of medicine.  Think about the eggs!  They have to come first!

But, sadly, what will likely have to happen is that the ACA will go away and people will start to suffer.  That's when the Liars and the Monsters won't be able to make up phony numbers or tell whoppers anymore.  People's lives will start reverting to the way it used to be, when so many could not get the medical help they need for a price they can afford.  If you had only ever eaten bread and water and suddenly everything changed and you had three square healthy meals a day, why would you ever choose to go back? 

You wouldn't, unless the old bread and water was being sold to you as BETTER FOOD FOR EVERYONE CHEAPER.  The Monsters and Liars should be prosecuted for every needless death and sued for every bankruptcy they cause in the time until people get their medicine back. 

I hope the impending loss of coverage, if it happens (not hoping for it), will move people enough to throw these bums out.  But if they can dissemble their way out of getting the political axe, then the real suffering they cause will start.  And you can't tell people they're not suffering when they really are.

So let them.


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