Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Memory Hole

Haven't blogged for a while, because frankly I can't think of what to add to the outrage.  Or even the simple rage.  The Orange Thing has a stunning ability to one-up himself.  Every time there is a seeming nadir a new bottom is discovered, endlessly. 

But I think the latest bout of presidential psychosis may be a tipping point.

Surely, the other acts of lunacy and hate have seemed like they should tip things a certain way.  Stealing affordable health care from millions was a shared cruelty with the rest of his putrid political movement.  That didn't take, but stealing a Supreme Court seat did. 

The likely-criminal use of his position to enlarge his fortune is something he's doing on his own.  The release of his taxes will come, at some pint, from a subpoena.  And thank the lord for Robert Meuller.  If the cover is ever ripped from this junta, he's probably the guy to do it.  Because Russia.

But the new nadir is a self-inflicted wound that has gone through the Orange and is spraying his entourage - liberally - with his signature colour.  It's even more needless and damaging than the other crap he gets up to every day. 

Nazi's.  KKK.  What?

This is where we must begin to contemplate a missing person.  Check your milk cartons for the last known photo of George W. Bush (do they still do that on milk cartons?).  This is the missing guy not just from the last Fellini film Republican Convention.  This is the guy missing from the Romney convention.  And the McCain convention.  Any Senators getting old W to pitch for their reelection since 2008?  No?  Representatives?  No?  Dog catchers?  Anyone?

Old W got disappeared down the Repub memory hole.  While he was in office he was their Decisioner.  Congress rubber-stamped everything he did - including telling a bunch or outright lies to get the nation into a multi-decade war of meaningless destruction.  Trillions of dollars followed Old W down the memory hole.  He turned vast Clinton surpluses into massive debt. 

Yeah, that W. 

The Repubs didn't wait until he'd cleared the building before active, almost forcefully forgetting him.  A man who, for eight years, could do no wrong was now mute and invisible.  Because as much as they could talk themselves out of what he's done, they couldn't put that money back into the treasury.  And they couldn't restore the hundreds of thousands of people killed and injured by their selfish recklessness.

Speaking of selfish recklessness, how long will the Repubs allow their id to lurch from one extremely reckless act to the next?  When will they pull the drunk from the china shop?

They waited two whole terms to disavow Old W.  How long will they wait for the Orange Nazi? 

Repubs want to work their racism and hate quietly. Like Jeff Sessions.  The AG isn't going to get his sheet out of the closet and wear it at Justice.  He's going to say how much Nazi's and Klansmen don't belong.  And then he's going to wink!  And do away with the Voting Rights Act.  He's going to support suppression of minority voting rights. 

Orange Thing doesn't know how to do that, so he roars and rages at rallies among the 30% rock of racist shitheads who will always love him.  Why?  Because he doesn't use code words and doesn't use dog whistles. 

He just says crazy shit. 

It's the same crazy shit that the rest of the Repubs believe, but they don't just come out and say it.  He does.  It makes him, on some level, much more honest than they are.  Neanderthals like Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-Hell) would like to reinstate Jim Crow and all his relatives (welcome back Uncle Lynching!).  But to do that in todays world will requires a load of whopper lies to sell the incremental disenfranchisement of non-whites. 

But the Orange Thing doesn't get it.  Bannon told him the thing that Washington was the same as R.E. Lee.  Why can't he tell everyone?  And so many nice people in the white march - he like them!  They like Orange!  Why can't he talk it?

The point is that at some time in the hopefully near future all the Repubs are going to forget and disavow, and claim to never have Followed.  They're going to hit 'reset' on the lie-casters and go at it again with a different, maybe calmer and more malleable candidate.  Does Old W have any sons who can read?

As the heat intensifies, how long can they wait?  VP Pence would sign any putrid crap they put in front of him, just like Orange.  They don't need Orange and his 34% approval rating (to go along with the Repub Congress's 12% approval rating). 

When do they cut him loose?  At what point does Orange become Old W?