Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Why the Civil War?

Why did the American States have to fight the Civil War back in the Olden Days, and why didn't Andrew Jackson stop it?  These are the questions nobody wants to ask.  The American Leader is right - as always - to 'go there' and get to the heart of the controversy that nobody talks about.

Actually, Leader is just really bad at using his dog whistle.  Because only the dogs are supposed to be able to hear it.  And we all heard it, right?  The American Leader was telling the American Followers that the Civil War could have been WINK! avoided. 

And how could a savvy negotiator like the Leader of America have intervened to stop the Civil War?  The negotiation would have involved agreeing to WINK!  "States Rights."  WINK! 

That's "States Rights" in the sense that the States have the Right to own human beings.  And their White guys have the right to own people of a different shading scheme. 

Slavery.  It's called Slavery.  Say the word.  And the South depended on it completely.  And they were never going to give it up no matter what.  Unless forced to do so, by a, like, a war. 

The only "too bad" part of the Civil War was that the scumbag slave owners couldn't see that it had to stop.  These were terrible people who could not function without slaves to do their work.  So they held a massive war and doggedly defended their 'right' to be bottom-feeding sewer-hole slave-owning hell-destined people.  Now their direct descendants - in thought if not in genetics - are the Leader Followers. 

And to the Leader Followers the whole Civil War thing was just a bunch of Good Ole Boys marching around whipping Yankee ass - until they had to stop because they were a lost cause.  And then it was Evil Yankee Carpetbaggers ruining the Way of Life.  And on and on until poor Jim Crow got strung up on his own favorite hang'in tree by LBJ, and then all they had left was the statues and street names. 

And soon they won't even have those (not soon enough). 

So they all understand their Leader when he laments the Civil War.  Maybe that's the real meaning of MAGA.  Maybe it's the 1850's they want to go back to and not the 1950's. 

Again, a dog whistle is supposed to be a message from the Leader that only the Followers understand.  The Repubs have been doing that for decades, talking about 'entitlements' and meaning 'the welfare that Black people get from the rest of us.'  They talked 'entitlement reform' to tell their voters that they're going to slash money that people need to live on.  And just because that would mean cutting more from the White voters than anyone else - well that's just the price we pay for continuing a 400-year race war.  Well worth it amIright?

The question remains how much of the Leader's Twooting is good old American dumbness and how much was it a message to the Followers?  Because the dumbness goes very deep in this one.  Clearly, the Leader had no idea that questioning the necessity of the Civil War was well-trodden ground.  It was so well understood that when the dog whistle was blown it sounded like a trumpet. 

The question of idiocy includes publically talking about Andrew Jackson's reaction to the terrible war, Jackson having died 16 years prior to hostilities.  That means Leader didn't know before he started talking that he would stumble - and I do mean stumble - onto this topic.  He didn't know so he didn't ask the internet whether Jackson had any thoughts on the war - or that it took place more than a decade and a half after Old Hickory's demise. 

So Leader remembered that Followers like the Confederacy, so he should throw some lament in there.  But he didn't apprehend enough about things that happened in the past to align that lament with things that actually did happen.

That's part of being the Buffoon in Charge for so long.  He must have told his Jackson stories for years when fellow racists got together at parties.  And they were as dumb or - unlikely though it may be - dumber than him.  Nobody said anything because either they didn't know history or knew the lout they were listening to and kept quiet. 

And that's all part of Truthlessness too.  There is no such think as objective verifiable Truth, so whatever I say is equal to whatever you say because everything anybody says is equally True.  So pointy-headed science and history types need to just zip it. 

In a Truthless world, the only thing that matters is power.  Economic power is the best - you can tell people they're "Fired!"  You can buy and sell things and decide to rip people off.  If you have economic power you can legally steal by not paying for things you receive.  Hey!  Sue me!

Celebrity power is great because you can abuse and assault women and guys just laugh.  You're well-known so you're treated like royalty even if you don't even have a billion dollars.  You can walk into teenage girls dressing rooms because you're famous - or was that because you're rich?  Hard to keep it straight. 

But political power is a little different.  Unlike the other two types, political power requires a modicum of consent.  Enough other people have to agree with what you want to do political things.  When the American Leader won the College of Electors, he though that was it.  Not so much.  Because other politicians - not all of them celebrities or billionaires - won other elections.  And the Leader needs to have them want what he wants, and stull have the Followers at home want the same things. 

Nobody knew it was going to be this complicated. 

The Followers want lots of Civil War talk and they respond to DOG WHISTLES.  But Paul Ryan can't seem to get anything done in the House.  I mean, just because he's never gotten anything done in the House is no reason to think stuff wouldn't get done.  Truthlessly.  And the rich people just want him to give back all their money from the Poors, but then the Freedom people won't go into massive debt for the deserving wealthy.  And the Senate needs to stop needing 60 votes like they have ever since history.  Mitch cheated to get the stolen Supreme Court spot filled.  Why can't he just keep cheating?

Obviously, this is all the Democrats fault. 

Let's hope Barron gets assigned a book report on the Red Badge of Courage or something so we can get this sorted out.


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