Monday, April 24, 2017


I've just read the transcript of the recent AP interview with the American Leader.  And it's just flaming batshit sideways nutjob crazy.  This is a person who should not be allowed out of his house without an escort carrying a tranc gun.  The Leader of all the Americans is dumber and crankier than Uncle Charley from My Three Sons

I'd say "go read it if you have any doubts" but, first, who doubts?  Second, don't read it because if you're not already Canadian you'll want to come here and we're all full up on Americans.  And third, don't read it because your brain will become very angry with you and that never ends well. 

The Leader of America has, thankfully, failed at everything except getting enormously unqualified people into jobs that they are purposefully incapable of performing adequately.  George Orwell couldn't have picked a more savage bunch of fascists, racists and idiots. 

He says, Truthlessly, that he's accomplished nearly everything he promised to do within his first 100 days.  "Well, I'm mostly there on most items."  Like what?  He goes on about the electoral college, again, Truthlessly. 

It's almost comical when he rambles about how he has 'chemistry' with foreign leaders.  They're nice to him!  The fat dope American Leader has foreigners treating him with lots of completely unearned respect.  It's as if these people actually know about diplomacy.  It's as if they have their own constituents back home who they've convinced to put them in charge - who could know they'd be charismatic?  Unreal. He thinks they're just being nice because he's so Leadery. 

Clearly they're being very, very careful.  They're handling him the way you'd handle a drunk heavyweight Ultimate Fighter if you'd spilled a drink on him at a metal bar. 

He's jazzed that he saved $725 million on some F-35 fighters by - probably illegally - threatening Lockheed with giving the contract - again illegally - to Boeing.  $725 million.  The Pentagon spends well over $1 billion a day.  $725 million isn't even a rounding error to them.  And Lockheed would never dream of getting their money back on cost overruns on other contracts.  A major defense contractor would never do such a thing.  Never. 

This is what he spends his time on when he's not watching Fox & Friends.

He's been calling China a 'currency manipulator' for years (Truthlessly).  They stopped doing that a long time ago.  Now he thinks he can't call them out on that while they're helping him with North Korea.  Why?  If they were manipulating currency (which they're not) wouldn't you want your American Leader to try to do something about that?  So what they're helping with the NK's?  Can't you do both at once?  Isn't that part of negotiating - dealing on multiple exchanges that are both friendly and adversarial?  Didn't someone claim that he is a master negotiator?  I know I heard that at some point. 

Here's what he said about his very Leadership-like Syrian missile strike:  "When it came time to, as an example, send out the 59 missiles, the Tomahawks in Syria. I'm saying to myself, "You know, this is more than just like, 79 (sic) missiles. This is death that's involved," because people could have been killed." 

Umm, yes people "could have been killed."  When you fire $18 million in munitions at people, you presumably want to kill at least some of them.  Otherwise why not just send a firmly-worded note?  He goes on to explain that since the missiles were sent by "boats" that were "hundreds of miles away" they could have hit a "hamlet" or something.  So the American Leader thinks the GPS guided missiles could have gotten lost on the way?  And does he not know that his government has been drone-bombing "hamlets" for over a decade with thousands of innocent lives being taken?  This is news to the American Leader in charge?

He observes that the American government is really big - without resorting the word "huge" or it's derivative "hugely" for which we must grudgingly give him credit because fairness!  He does call out the "bigness of it" so he loses that credit immediately. 

We need to stop for a moment and examine the word "unintelligible" as in 'what the Leader of America said was unintelligible.'  As in the Associated Press, working with the journalists who did the interview could not figure out what the American Leader was saying.  Think about that.  They couldn't even make a stab at it.  Seventeen times.  17 times. 

He also used the (non) word "impalatable."  Like 'not palatable' like something you don't want.  He must hear 'not palatable' constantly in his life and has a need to shorten it. 

He's definitely going to build the Mexico wall but may sign a budget without wall money, so there's that.  He explained that he said NATO was obsolete back when he thought they were obsolete but walked back that statement by saying that now he knows what NATO is and it 's all good because they're obsolete, or something. 

He endorses Marine Le Pen in France without endorsing her but endorses her.  And when the American Leader was called on it he was all like "hey I'm just some guy saying who should win just like any other schmuck."  And when asked about France again he talks more about the wall he's going to build for sure some day because 1% of drugs are worth billions of dollars or something.

Should the cherub-faced spirit of Jim Crow - Attorney General Jefferson Sessions - go after Wikileaks creature Julian Assange?  Well, "never heard of Wikileaks, never heard of it."  Really?  "...But if Jeff Sessions wants to do it, it's OK with me. I didn't know about that decision, but if they want to do it, it's OK with me."  Good to know there's firm direction from the top.

On his address to Congress:  " A lot of the people have said that, some people said it was the single best speech ever made in that chamber."  Right.  I guess Lincoln never went there.

"I've done a lot. I've done more than any other president in the first 100 days and I think the first 100 days is an artificial barrier."  Let that sink in.

"I think my military team has been treated with great respect."  Is that supposed to mean something?  Really - please comment if there is any information intended to be conveyed by those words.  'My team is being treated with respect?'  Was there some intimation at any time that a senior military advisor to the Leader would not be treated with respect?  Or a White House official?  Was there a movie scene where somebody got mad in the Situation Room and yelled "fuck you, general?"

He Truthlessly quoted Rep. Elijah Cummings as having said "you will be the greatest president. He said you will be, in front of five, six people, he said you will be the greatest president in the history of this country."  Cummings challenged him to be a better man.  This is the answer he got back.

He quotes CNN and MSNBC and then immediately claims that he stopped watching them more than a year ago. 

But what really got ne was the difference he pointed out between the business world and government.  "Heart."  Business has none, and all this government stuff is about people so you need to think about humans. 

"You have to love people. And if you love people, such a big responsibility. (unintelligible) You can take any single thing, including even taxes."  And then he launches into a rambling tax reform word combination.  'You gotta love people and even when you're looking at taxes I'm looking at taxes we're going to do big taxes stuff and SQUIRREL!'

Absolutely surreal.  This is a 70 year old man who never realized that government stuff is human stuff.  When you stop health care for millions of people lots of them are going to die.  When you fire a bunch of missiles at people some people at the other end are going to not be alive at the end of the explody part. 

If you read this transcript and pretend it's an interview with a local grocer or something and not the Leader of America you'd wonder why somebody took all that time to question such a dumb cranky old gasbag.  Did Uncle Charley used to be famous or something? 

This is a man who fundamentally misapprehends his role in the world.  He desperately needs to be liked.  Did he talk to Germany's Merkel or Britain's May about the Iran deal?  " I mention it, but it's very personal when I talk to them, you know, it's confidential."  Personal how?  Personal why?  Why would you speak personally but not professionally with two major heads of state?

He just wants to be liked and have "chemistry" with people.  There's no strategy or policy objective other that being liked and getting paid.  And he constantly tries to self-validate over the Electoral College which he constantly and Truthlessly claims is tilted in favour of Democrats - of course the opposite is true.  He obsesses about TV ratings increases when he does interviews.  Of course the ratings go up.  Who doesn't want to watch the Crazy President Show?

If you edited out everything in the interview that's not - or shouldn't be - his job, it would be about a paragraph.  It's almost 100 days in and the American Leader is becoming more and more disjointed and delusional. 

Where do we go from here?  I so don't want to find out.


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