Right now in the once-august United States Senate, the majority party is sitting - in-camera - and trying to remake the "health care" bill that their fellow travelers in the House sent them. The Senators will, without a doubt, scratch together something truly worthless and harmful which they will pass without hearings, consultation, or scoring by the Congressional Budget Office. Just like the House did.
When the Leader of America finally signs this atrocity, there is only one thing for Red State residents to do: move.
They're already telling you to go. Barking scumbag Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) is leading the charge to de-populate his loathsome state. “People can go to the state that they want to live in.” Well-fed recipient of free Congressional health care Rep. Pittenger is happy to see you go. He doesn't need your vote or anything - North Carolina isn't a democracy anymore anyway.
So get up and get out. If you live in a Red State and believe in universal health care (or democracy) you need to leave, now. Your neighbors are working to take life-giving health care away from you and your friends and family. Don't wait to them to do it.
Go to California. They're going to start a single-payer system there. I'm sure there's time to establish residency. New York is considering it. Vermont has a version - of course Bernie's state does. Better yet - pick up and go to Hawaii. Why the hell not? It's gotta be better than West Virginia. And yes, Jeff, it really is a State.
Sure you're pulling up roots, maybe generations worth. But your neighbors all want you to become impoverished and incapacitated and then die an early death. And you need to do all that so that very wealthy people can stop paying whatever pittance of taxes they're kicking in now.
Fuck them.
If we can get all the decent people to move out of the Red States, maybe we can seal them off. Better yet - give them what they've wanted all along. No not slavery - not ever. I mean let them secede. Go on - off you go!
I'd also be willing to pay for anyone who wanted to leave the South and West. We'll do a Kickstarter or something. It will be like the new Freedom Train.
The US has a leader who lost the election by three million votes. And they installed him in the White House no questions asked. The Republicans lost the Senate, too, but about 5 million votes but they control that chamber as well. The House is Gerrymandered top to bottom because the cheaters won an election in 2010 and pickled the census.
I don't recognize that country. I moved out, and you should too.
Last word to the late great Sam Kinison:
When the Leader of America finally signs this atrocity, there is only one thing for Red State residents to do: move.
They're already telling you to go. Barking scumbag Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) is leading the charge to de-populate his loathsome state. “People can go to the state that they want to live in.” Well-fed recipient of free Congressional health care Rep. Pittenger is happy to see you go. He doesn't need your vote or anything - North Carolina isn't a democracy anymore anyway.
So get up and get out. If you live in a Red State and believe in universal health care (or democracy) you need to leave, now. Your neighbors are working to take life-giving health care away from you and your friends and family. Don't wait to them to do it.
Go to California. They're going to start a single-payer system there. I'm sure there's time to establish residency. New York is considering it. Vermont has a version - of course Bernie's state does. Better yet - pick up and go to Hawaii. Why the hell not? It's gotta be better than West Virginia. And yes, Jeff, it really is a State.
Sure you're pulling up roots, maybe generations worth. But your neighbors all want you to become impoverished and incapacitated and then die an early death. And you need to do all that so that very wealthy people can stop paying whatever pittance of taxes they're kicking in now.
Fuck them.
If we can get all the decent people to move out of the Red States, maybe we can seal them off. Better yet - give them what they've wanted all along. No not slavery - not ever. I mean let them secede. Go on - off you go!
I'd also be willing to pay for anyone who wanted to leave the South and West. We'll do a Kickstarter or something. It will be like the new Freedom Train.
The US has a leader who lost the election by three million votes. And they installed him in the White House no questions asked. The Republicans lost the Senate, too, but about 5 million votes but they control that chamber as well. The House is Gerrymandered top to bottom because the cheaters won an election in 2010 and pickled the census.
I don't recognize that country. I moved out, and you should too.
Last word to the late great Sam Kinison: