Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Right now in the once-august United States Senate, the majority party is sitting - in-camera - and trying to remake the "health care" bill that their fellow travelers in the House sent them.  The Senators will, without a doubt, scratch together something truly worthless and harmful which they will pass without hearings, consultation, or scoring by the Congressional Budget Office.  Just like the House did.

When the Leader of America finally signs this atrocity, there is only one thing for Red State residents to do:  move. 

They're already telling you to go.  Barking scumbag Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) is leading the charge to de-populate his loathsome state.  “People can go to the state that they want to live in.”  Well-fed recipient of free Congressional health care Rep. Pittenger is happy to see you go.  He doesn't need your vote or anything - North Carolina isn't a democracy anymore anyway. 

So get up and get out.  If you live in a Red State and believe in universal health care (or democracy) you need to leave, now.  Your neighbors are working to take life-giving health care away from you and your friends and family. Don't wait to them to do it.

Go to California.  They're going to start a single-payer system there.  I'm sure there's time to establish residency.  New York is considering it.  Vermont has a version - of course Bernie's state does.  Better yet - pick up and go to Hawaii.  Why the hell not?  It's gotta be better than West Virginia.  And yes, Jeff, it really is a State

Sure you're pulling up roots, maybe generations worth.  But your neighbors all want you to become impoverished and incapacitated and then die an early death.  And you need to do all that so that very wealthy people can stop paying whatever pittance of taxes they're kicking in now. 

Fuck them. 

If we can get all the decent people to move out of the Red States, maybe we can seal them off.  Better yet - give them what they've wanted all along.  No not slavery - not ever.  I mean let them secede.  Go on - off you go! 

I'd also be willing to pay for anyone who wanted to leave the South and West.  We'll do a Kickstarter or something.  It will be like the new Freedom Train. 

The US has a leader who lost the election by three million votes.  And they installed him in the White House no questions asked.  The Republicans lost the Senate, too, but about 5 million votes but they control that chamber as well.  The House is Gerrymandered top to bottom because the cheaters won an election in 2010 and pickled the census. 

I don't recognize that country.  I moved out, and you should too. 

Last word to the late great Sam Kinison:

Thursday, June 01, 2017


“We're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive. It's pretty dense kids who haven't figured that out by the time they're ten.... Most kids can't afford to go to Harvard and be misinformed.”   ― Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

That's exactly where we are today.  With the "Dense Kids" who, despite that density, did go to nice schools.  They could afford the price of admission.  But they are a group who are doomed to repeat a history they can't begin to understand.  It's a history they will repeat because they've never tried to understand.  These "Dense Kids" haven't "figured that out" and never will. 

There is a reason for the European Union.  There is a reason there is a North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  Those reasons are as valid today as the day the treaties were signed.  Both happened in the aftermath of what was the most horrific decade in human history, driven by the most horrific humans - who were mainly European.

1935-45 was the lowest point in the history of our species.  When it was over, there was a universal dedication to not have that same thing ever happen again.  Institutions were founded to try and avoid a world at war with itself, a world bent on slaughter. 

Especially with the advent of nuclear weapons.  The next World War would not end with a march on Berlin (let's face it - that's where World Wars end).  If Nazi Germany had nuclear weapons they would have used them, likely early in the war but at least at the end when the Soviet and Allied forces were closing in. 

Europe fought wars constantly over the centuries.  The internecine conflicts on their little continent spilled over to their wide-ranging colonies.  The British fought the French in North America.  The British and French fought in Africa and Asia, subjugating huge populations to savage autocraticc rule. 

These were, in historical terms, real assholes. 

German history is even more odd.  "Germany" didn't even exist as an idea until the middle of the 19th century.  It was a bunch of kingdoms bundled together by Otto von Bismarck in 1871.  It was led by the Kaiser (Emperor) until WWI, and then had a brief flirtation with democracy until they elected Hitler.  And then went dark. 

After 1945, European nations were strapped together so they would have something in common.  At first, that was opposition to the Soviet bloc.  Western Europeans were on a "we're all in this together" footing as long as the Soviet Union and it's satellite nations existed as enemies.

After that there came the European Common Market, then the European Union and the common currency, the Euro.  The point of all this was only partially to make money and eliminate trade barriers. 

The big reason for all the togetherness was that when these countries didn't have firmly aligned common interests, they had savage bloody wars every few years.  That's who they are and that hasn't changed in the last 70 years. 

But the Dense Kids have forgotten or never knew that lesson.  It's obvious that the Leader of America has no idea, and has clearly given a blank cheque on foreign policy to some other Dense Kids.  Those Dense Kids want to 'get tough' with other nations.  It's interesting to see how easily the authoritarian leaders of the world - Russia's Putin and China's Xi Jinping in particular - play the American.  He just wants to be liked so they constantly flatter him and he likes them so he does what they want.

European leaders are experience politicians who are accustomed to debate and challenge.  They are used to standing up for themselves and for their national interests.  The American has no use for them - they didn't flatter him and were clearly put off by his boorishness.  So he was the quintessential stumbling foul-mouthed bore when he visited.  So much so that Germany's Merkel is now considered the leader of the "Free World." 

America can't keep that honor because the American Leader - and his party - have no honor. 

But in the wake of Brexit, Europe is facing an existential crisis.  Europe will shake apart - as it has in every century since before the Roman Empire.  What will that mean for all of us?  A nuclear-armed Europe falling back into its warring pattern would be devastating. 

There is no moderating force to keep them together.  America under Leader will look for greedy business deals as the EU disintegrates.  Russia and China will keep manipulating European politics, supporting their many fascist and racist parties.  You don't have to use your imagination to picture a Europe led by these right wing demagogues.  Just grab a history book. 

America has withdrawn the helping hand.  It is now a competitor, not a partner.  And even if the American political winds some day blow in a different direction, there can never be a real bond of trust as has existed since 1945. 

All of that stuff that humans did to other humans in Europe, it's all coming back.  We're watching the un-doing of the bonds of peace that have kept Europe from repeating their violent historical patterns. 

When the centennial of WWII comes, will we be able to say it arrived without another European war having started since?