Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Bad week for the old Junta. It's not that things are actually getting worse - they've always been performing their duties poorly - it's that the pesky Congress is finally putting in a few hours at the office.

It used to be that you could have the Damed New York Times report on your torture or illegal wiretapping or whatever, and that would be the end of it. Even with Abu Ghraib, you bag a few nasty corporals and sergeants, and you get home before lunch.

Not now. It seems like every time you break the law or lie to a few people, Congress wants to have some hearings or something. It's all very inconvenient. I mean, if they're going to start calling out all the lies and liars, what's a Junta to do?

But here we go: leave a bunch of wounded soldiers in complete squalor and don't treat their wound or pay for their meals and lose their paperwork a few dozen times, and what do you get? A Medal of Freedom? Not anymore. Now you get Congress showing up at the hospital to hold hearings. Hearings! Please.

The good old 109th congress would have swept that under about 10 rugs and indicted the Washington Post reporter for treason (or threatened to - actual indictments are such a bother. Way too much like work - just go back to bed). Now we are firing perfectly good Army Secretaries and generals - like they should have done something about systematic abuses in their command. Like what? Fix it? What Washington are you living in, Pal?

And then there was the FBI absolutely murdering the NSL program, tranpling human rights like a hoard of Mongols (nothing against the Mongols, they just weren't that into Civil Rights). But didn't AG Gonzo tell us that the program was strictly controlled and totally honky-dory? Didn't he triple-secret no crossies promise? Lord, the man pinky promised that there were no violations of civil liberties.

And now this. They purged a few federal prosecutors, and now suddenly it's coming out that prosecutors have gone after like 500% more Democrats than Repubs in the last six years. Whose business is that? Not yours, nosey Parker.

If the Junta wants to use partisan litmus tests as part of their litigation process, who's to stop them? And if nobody does stop them, it's okay to do it. It's like baseball: if you can steal, you go ahead and steal.

Only the Junta does it on a larger scale - like Iraq.

What's funny is their denials. They clearly run everything on the basis of their own political and economic good - why bother to deny it anymore? What - do they think they're ever going to be popular again? Give it up.

Today, Danny Bartlett, the cartoonish mouthpiece (or one of the cartoonish mouthpieces) for the Junta warned us against drawing any conclusions from the hundreds of stupid and anti-democratic things they've been doing.

Bartlett dismissed any broader interpretation of the spate of investigations. "You're trying to connect a lot of dots that aren't connectible," he said.

Yeah. Just because Lucy has pulled the football away when you've run up to kick it in the past, don't think she's going to do it again this time. She's a changed girl! She's like AG Gonzo - you don't focus on the fact that he's told virtually no truth ever to any Congressional committees.

Just know that he's going to tell the truth this time.


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