Thursday, July 06, 2006

Ten Times

Boy, the WaPo does like to give you their front-page analysis. It's like they can't wait to tell you what they think. It's somewhere between an editorial ("The Democrats are Fucked for Life") and a summary ("Recent News Not Good for Fucked Democrats"). Either way, it's their opinion and they're more or less sticking to it until they get a reaction from hite House spin masters.

Today, it's "A Driven President Faces a World of Crises." And what a world of crises it is. North Korea, Iran, Somalia, Afghanistan, and, of course, Iraq. Plus, a bunch of pissed-off former allies. Not a good situation for our beleaguered teen president. Of course, he still has people who are paid good money to sound feisty for him:

[NSC honcho Stephen J.] Hadley agreed that there are "a lot of issues in motion right now" on the international front. "In some sense, it was destined to be, because we have a president that wants to take on the big issues and see if he could solve them on his watch."

Actually, we have a president who wants to create big issues on 'his watch' and then sit back in early retirement and sip fruit drinks while somebody else tries to fix them.

Here's the thing: nothing that he's done has been anything short of a complete disaster. All of the 'burning issues' of the day are only 'burning issues' because a bunch of flat-earth mamalukes keep trying to 'fix' them and making them ten times worse.

It's sort of a Republican "Ten Times Rule." No problem exists that they can't make Ten Time Worse.

Take any problem - let's start with the WaPo list. North Korea? When Georgie took over, the crazy NK's had no nuclear weapons. They had UN inspections of their reactors. They had UN cameras inside their reactor sites. They had meduim range missiles and a big army. They were engaged in multi-lateral negotiations. They were nuts, but they were still conventional nuts.

Six years later: they have removed the cameras and kicked out the inspectors. They are known to have at least a dozen nuclear warheads (and when you're that insane, one is enough). Not only are they not engaged in any negotiations, they are testing long range missiles (that don't work, but still). And they still have the huge army.

That's ten times worse, don't you think?

Iraq - sorry, that's under the "100,000 Times Worse" rule.

Al Qaeda - was a decentralized nuisance under Clinton. They hatched a 'Millennium Plot' to blow up LAX - but Bubba caught and convicted them for it. There was an open kill order for Osama and a watch on for al Qaeda activities. The VP held cabinet-level meetings on stopping terrorists.

Six years later: after dismantling all of Clinton preventive bulwarks, Georgie allowed Osama to strike on 9-11. Afterward, trillions have been wasted on no-bid contracts to connected corporations, but there is still no security at the ports and Osama sleeps safer than ever now that Clinton's CIA anti-Osama group has been dismantled. Al Qaeda is stronger than ever with the many recruits generated by the American invasion of Iraq and their torture and murder of terror subjects.

They used to hate us for our freedoms and our prosperity. Now they hate us for our unjust acts of indiscriminate illegal imprisonment, torture, murder, and plunder.

And on it goes - the deficit, racial justice (any kind of justice), disaster management - everything is at least ten times worse.


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