Thursday, July 13, 2006


This will be another of our ongoing and endless series on why and how conservatives are completely dumb. Stupid. Lacking intelligence. Not at all smart.

Note, fist, that they love being called idiots. That way, they can perpetuate their unbelievable sense of victim-hood that propels them, even while controlling the entire federal government. "Liberals call us dumb - they think they're superior!"

Yes, well. Conservatives have proven over and over again that their warped demi-ideology is good for two things, and nothing else:

1) Telling lies and smearing to win elections.
2) Looting the national treasury.

Other than that, they're lost. But the beautiful thing about what passes as their political thought is that it instructs them to be dumb on purpose. So you can't, supposedly, accuse them of being ill-prepared for Katrina or Iraq because their whole 'philosophy' is to not prepare.

That's keen of them, but it still makes them dumb.

Dumb is clinging to a belief in tax cuts as an economic panacea when any rational measurement shows them to be a budget-busting failure. But the people making trillions of dollars from the scheme press them to maintain it. They are, in every sense, useful idiots.

Dumb is refusing to plan for the aftermath of the Iraq invasion. Lots of smart people were banging down the door to tell them what a murderous quagmire it would be if they didn't have a plan, but their answer was: "we don't plan!"

Dumb is allowing the levees to fail in NOLA (by diverting the money to Iraq) and not planning for the ensuing human tragedy. James Lee Witt had FEMA purring like a kitten under Bubba, making it a disaster-relief organization recognized as one of the bes t in the world. Georgie took over and gave the job to campaign operators who ran it into the ground. And people died.


The theme of the dumbness is that it's always stupidity in the service of the rich. Sure, tax cuts bankrupt the place, but the rich love them and so do corporations. Iraq is a bummer, but look at all the defense industry dough being spent!

Dumb is wrecking the environment. We only have one of those, and conservatives have made it their mission to wipe it out and extract money from it in the stupidest way possible.

What's particularly dumb about all of it is that the conservatives grandkids and great-grandkids, etc, will have to live with the bad air and bad water. They'll have to deal with the unprecedented debt and the hostile world. Don't these people at least care about their kids?

My answer is this: dumb. But also, I think these people expect that they will always be rich, and will therefore have some sort of bubble-life to protect them from the environmental harm they've done. Similarly, I think they expect to be rich and multi-national enough to avoid the economic disaster they've created.

Also they're dumb and self-delusional enough to believe that they're not doing wrong things constantly.

I think there must be a smart bunch of neo-cons somewhere who have decided to just take all they can take wile they have Georgie in office, knowing that a clean-up crew will fix it all afterward. Or else they can just keep installing Deibold machines and entrench their one-party state.

But the rest of them, the ones who actually are convinced to support all this, are not only dumb but suicidal. The average Repub voter won't ever see the riches that he's voted to give corporations. He's buying tax cuts to get $50 and the dream of a stronger economy. What he gets is a ruined federal government and historic debt - and billions to the rich.

It's all so dumb. It's the politics those kids in school who couldn't do math but were militant about it. "Math is dumb!" "History id dumb!" "English is dumb!" "Civics is dumb!"

No sir: you are dumb.


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