Friday, February 17, 2006


Sorry, America, you officially don't live in a democracy anymore. I know, I know, it's been a while since any of your votes counted and your voice has been stifled for a long time and those chains are getting pretty heavy. Sure. But today, the Senate folded up their tent and refused to hold hearings on the warrantless NSA spying.

That means, for you poor bastards living South of the US/Canada Freedom Border, that you no longer live in a nation of laws. The executive has formed a dictatorship where he has declared himself - loudly and publicly - above the law. And the Senate, by refusing to call him on it, has agreed.

The fact that this executive orders his forces to torture prisoners - many they know to be innocent of any crime - and holds possibly thousands of prisoners beyond any system of justice is not separate from his drive to dictatorship. Fascistic policies are part-and-parcel of the dictator-president. A fair minded man - an American - wouldn't want those extra-constitutional powers.

More and more, I worry about the change of power in '08. If it's still possible to elect a non-Republican (if the Diebold machines and voter suppression strategies can be defeated), will there be some invocation of the Commander in Chief powers to keep Bush in office?

Once again, it sounds insane, but what's happening to our government today would have been considered a crazy paranoid fantasy just five years ago.

Power-mad fascistic right-wing extremists have taken over the government. Who thinks they'll just hand it back?


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