Wednesday, March 01, 2006

More Gonzo

There's more. You knew there was more, didn't you? I mean, if you're going to set up a secret illegal surveillance of Americans without a court order, what wouldn't you do? As Al Gore suggested in his recent speech, if there are no limits on wiretaps and no limits of torture of prisoners and if you somehow believe that the executive is utterly unconstrained by the Constitution, why would you stop at a few wiretaps?

So Attorney General Gonzo has issued a "clarification" of his testimony before the Senate committee. Apparently, when he said "that President Bush had authorized it "and that is all that he has authorized," it didn't mean that was all he authorized. Perish forbid.

But in yesterday's letter, Gonzales, citing that quote, wrote: "I did not and could not address . . . any other classified intelligence activities." Using the administration's term for the recently disclosed operation, he continued, "I was confining my remarks to the Terrorist Surveillance Program as described by the President, the legality of which was the subject" of the Feb. 6 hearing.

So don't think that you have some sort of civil right that the president can't trammel on a whim. That would be a mistake. Your civil liberties are his playground. And if you want to be an American person not banged up at Gitmo indefinitely, you'll go along, Buster. Or not an American. Let's say you're a person or a human; in that case you can be swept of the streets of any place that has streets (or anyplace tat doesn't - don't try to limit me here) and put in prison with no access to a legal system or any way of defending yourself against charges which may or may not (but probably won't) be levelled against you.

That's now the way we do things. And in order to pile up a list of people to unjustly incarcerate, or just because the Patriot Act Secret Police are bored when they hit the 3:00pm sleepies, they can wiretap you and read your email at will.

Feel safer yet?

But beyond the increasingly obvious high crimes of this fascistic executive are the Junta soldiers in Congress. Faced with executive malfeasance and given orders like a Cuban bus boy at Club Med, Congress has curled up into a ball. Their answer for the illegal NSA wiretaps? Pass a law to make them legal.

At some point, you have to stop looking at the looters for a moment and start looking at the cops approving%


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